We know you want to receive the best price for your handbags and jewelry — and you want to receive it fast! For those who would rather not wait on the consignment process, Ann's Fabulous Finds directly buys select, gently worn items by:
- Hermès
- Chanel
- Louis Vuitton
- Goyard
- Cartier
- Gucci
- Rolex
Snap a few photos of your items and tell us a bit about them in an email. Once we make a deal, we'll send you a free, prepaid shipping label. You choose whether you’d like to be paid via paper check, PayPal, or bank wire.

Ann's Fabulous Finds has the industry’s highest cash returns for high-end designer handbags, jewelry, and accessories!
For Items that sell for more than $1000, we use a tiered scale that benefits you. You will get:
• 85% on the portion of the sale price above $3000
• 75% on the portion of the sale price between $1000 - $3000
• 67.5% on the portion of the sale price up to $1000
From the moment your items arrive at our door, our small team of highly trained associates handles them with the utmost care, ensuring they leave us in exactly the same condition they came to us. Consignors have been trusting Ann’s Fabulous Finds with their designer treasures since 2004!